Full Developmental Edit

As a developmental editor, I work with you to transform your manuscript into a compelling and polished novel.

My focus is on the big picture elements of your story, ensuring that every aspect—from structure to character development, plot, pacing, and thematic coherence—aligns with your vision and resonates with your intended audience.

Here's what I bring to the table when we collaborate on your romance novel:

1. Structure and Organization: I'll delve into your manuscript's organization, making sure the narrative flows logically and effectively. In romance, it's essential that the build-up of relationships, conflicts, and resolutions are paced in a way that captivates readers from start to finish.

2. Character Development: Characters drive romance novels, so I'll work with you to flesh out your protagonists and supporting cast, ensuring they are multidimensional and their relationships evolve in a believable manner. This is especially crucial in creating relatable and engaging stories that feature characters 40 and older or explore the dynamics of African-American and Interracial romances.

3. Plot and Pacing: I'll scrutinize your plot for inconsistencies, implausibilities, or pacing issues. Whether you're weaving romance with elements of mystery, suspense, horror, or fantasy, I'll help ensure the romantic plot is seamlessly integrated with genre elements to maintain engagement without overshadowing the core romance.

4. Theme and Cohesion: Together, we'll identify and refine the central themes of your novel, making sure they're interwoven throughout the narrative without feeling forced. This is key in stories that navigate complex dynamics or cultural considerations, particularly in interracial relationships.

5. Market and Audience: Leveraging my understanding of the market, I'll guide you on positioning your novel to appeal to your target audience. Given your focus on unique niches like African-American and Interracial romances with characters 40 and older, I'll offer insights to ensure your stories truly resonate, highlighting the distinctiveness of your narrative voice and themes.

6. Feedback and Collaboration: My approach goes beyond mere language accuracy; I engage in a collaborative relationship with you, providing detailed feedback, suggesting revisions, and brainstorming solutions to narrative challenges. My goal is to ensure your vision is realized in the most impactful way possible.

Consider me your book's first critical reader and a partner in the creative process. Together, we'll shape your raw manuscript into a story that not only meets industry standards but also captures the hearts and minds of your readers. My expertise, particularly in romance, will be invaluable in bringing depth, clarity, and polish to your narrative, preparing it for the journey ahead. 

For clarity, I edit…

Contemporary romance, sweet romance, erotica, erotic romance, romantic suspense, paranormal romance, erotica, homoerotica, horror, gothic romance, romantic and/or erotic thrillers, and sci-fi with strong romantic elements. If you have some filthy fiction or words about beings that go bump in the night and need a critical eye, I’m your gal. 

I will edit any manuscript 20,000 words and up. I do not edit short stories, but I do edit short story anthologies with a total word count that falls within that range.

How do I determine my rates?

My current rates are between $15 - $20 dollars per 1000 words for manuscripts between 20,000 and 100,000 words. An additional $75 per 10,000 words will be added for manuscripts that are more than 100k. This is a flat rate, and no additional pricing is added post-edit. We can use this to determine a typical price for editing.

Here’s the equation that will help you determine what the approximate cost of your Developmental Edit will be: 

$15 / 1000 words = .015

.015 x (your word count) = the cost of your developmental edit

20,000 words novel would cost $300 for a full edit.

50,000 words novel would cost $750for a full edit.

75,000 words novel would cost $1125 for a full edit.

100,000 words novel would cost $1500 for a full edit.

150,000 words novel would cost $1875 for a full edit. (With an additional $375 for overage)

Your developmental editing can be affected by several factors, including the length and complexity of the manuscript and the level of editing required. It would behoove you to revise your book as much as possible before you send it to me!  

I also offer package deals or discounts for ongoing work or repeat clients on a case-by-case basis. 

What will you get with your developmental edit?

You will receive an editor’s letter + inline comments. No changes will be made to your work without your knowledge or approval. My developmental edits consist of two rounds of edits. 

1. Detailed notes on overall readability, including notes on tropes and genre expectations (where applicable)

2. In-depth character dissection using archetypes and GMC (goal, motivation, conflict)

3. Plot structure to make sure your story begins at the right point in your timeline, doesn’t sag in the middle, or fails to reach a satisfying ending.

  • cultural sensitivity (by request)

  • Double-check that names, places, and organizations are spelled properly 

  • check facts, dates, and statistics are accurate.

  • and overall readability

  • grammar and spelling

  • punctuation

  • capitalization

  • continuity issues

  • syntax errors

Turnaround is 15-30 business days depending on the length and the state of your manuscript, with a required sample of 10 pages from your manuscript. Once I’ve completed your sample edit, I will send it back to you along with your contract and invoice link. Once your deposit is paid, we can get started! 

Oh, about that deposit…


The deposit is non-refundable. However, I know that life gets to life-ing sometimes, so you will have two opportunities to reschedule. 

DISCLAIMER: During our author/editor partnership, I fully expect you to curtsy upon receipt of my emails. (Kidding. I’m kidding.) If, at any time in the process, you decide that our styles aren’t totally compatible, we can talk it out and decide whether we should move forward in a new direction or part ways. 


Please fill out this intake form and provide a 10-page sample of your project. References can be provided upon request. You will receive a response email within 72 hours to discuss next steps! 

Tasha L. Harrison

Hi! 👋🏾 I’m Tasha L. Harrison and I’m a romance author, freelance editor, creator of the #20kin5Days writing challenge and host of the Wordmakers Writing Community where writers come together to do the writing work! Find out more about me at tashalharrisonbooks.com or join a merry band of writing ass writers at wordmakerscommunity.com


#50for50 Mini-Dev Edit


Line Editing