Line Editing

Imagine having a really detail-oriented Virgo friend who meticulously combs through your manuscript.

That's what a line edit feels like. It goes beyond just spotting typos or grammar errors—that’s the realm of proofreading. Line editing delves deeper, focusing on the nuances of language you use to weave your narrative. It's all about clarifying your writing, making it more compelling, and transforming it into a delight to read.

Here’s what you can expect from a line editor when we work together:

1. Clarity and Flow: I’ll meticulously review each sentence and paragraph to ensure your ideas are expressed clearly and logically. Is the meaning straightforward, or could it cause confusion? I'll refine the wording to make sure your manuscript flows smoothly.

2. Consistency and Style: I maintain a vigilant eye on the consistency of details and stylistic elements throughout your writing. It’s crucial that your voice remains consistent across the manuscript and adheres to the conventions of your genre, be it a breezy romance or a complex historical saga.

3. Word Choice and Sentence Structure: Think of me as a connoisseur of words, selecting stronger verbs, trimming unnecessary adverbs, and even pointing out clichés. I also adjust sentence structures to keep the rhythm of your writing engaging—balancing short, impactful sentences with longer, descriptive ones to maintain a dynamic pace.

4. Dialogue: Effective dialogue should sound authentic and suit the character speaking it. I help you refine your characters' conversations to ensure they sound believable and advance your story effectively.

5. Tone and Atmosphere: I ensure the tone of your writing matches the mood you aim to convey. Whether it’s ramping up the tension in a thriller or enhancing the humor in a comedy, I’ll make adjustments to support the desired atmosphere.

6. Redundancies and Tightening: Often, during the throes of writing, it’s easy to become repetitive or overly detailed. I’ll help trim the excess, streamlining your manuscript to make it more powerful and engaging.

In essence, as your line editor, I'm here to polish and enhance your manuscript, helping you refine your narrative and perfect your voice. My goal is to ensure that when readers pick up your book, they find the writing so smooth and captivating that they can’t help but read on! You will receive your edited document with inline comments when your manuscript is returned to you.


20,000 - 35,000 words - $300 with a$90 deposit

35,001 - 75,000 words - $600 with $180 deposit

75,001 - 90,000 words - $900 with $270 deposit

90,001+ - send inquiry

The deposit is non-refundable. However, you have two opportunities to reschedule. 

DISCLAIMER: During our author/editor partnership, I fully expect you to curtsy upon receipt of my emails. (Kidding. I’m kidding.) If, at any time in the process, you decide that our styles aren’t totally compatible, we can talk it out and decide whether we should move forward in a new direction or part ways. 

Please fill out this intake form and provide a 10-page sample of your project. References can be provided upon request. You will receive a response email within 72 hours to discuss next steps! 

Tasha L. Harrison

Hi! 👋🏾 I’m Tasha L. Harrison and I’m a romance author, freelance editor, creator of the #20kin5Days writing challenge and host of the Wordmakers Writing Community where writers come together to do the writing work! Find out more about me at or join a merry band of writing ass writers at

Full Developmental Edit


Self-Editing Course