Milestone 5-Year Anniversary for #20kin5days!

Hey there, Wordmakers!

We’re coming up on the 5th Anniversary of #20kin5Days, my quarterly writing challenge. Me and my fellow Wordmakers are so excited to have you join us! 

Hi! I’m Tasha L. Harrison Hi! 👋🏾 I’m a romance author, freelance editor, creator of the #20kin5Days writing challenge and host of the Wordmakers Writing Community where writers come together to do the writing work! 

I can hardly believe that a hashtag I created on Twitter in September of 2019 has resulted in one of the most fulfilling things I’ve ever done in my writing career, and that’s creating the Wordmakers Writing Community. Wordmakers is a vibrant and inclusive group of writers dedicated to supporting and inspiring each other. It’s a place where can set goals, get accountablity, learn how to perfect your craft and where your creativity can truly flourish.

Now, about the #20kin5Days Writing Challenge. The premise is simple: write 20,000 words in just five days. It’s a little intense, but rewarding experience designed to push your creative boundaries, boost your productivity, and connect you with a community of writers who are all cheering you on.

During the challenge, I will provide daily writing prompts, tips, and exercises to keep those creative juices flowing. Within the group, you will have access to live, twice a day Zoom write-ins, built-in accountability partners in your fellow Wordmakers, and regular group check-ins to cheer each other on. We all know how easy it can be to get sidetracked or feel isolated in our writing journey.

Let’s not forget the incredible community support and engagement. Connecting with a diverse group of writers who share similar experiences and challenges creates a sense of belonging that's unmatched (if I do say so myself). You’ll find a supportive network ready to share resources, offer encouragement, and celebrate your achievements. It’s like having a writing family that truly gets you.

To add to the excitement, we’ll be doing a giveaway during the challenge! Expect some bookish and writerly goodies to keep the motivation high and celebrate your progress.

So, that’s what’s in it for you. Empowerment, progress, and a whole lot of fun. Joining the #20kin5Days Writing Challenge means embracing a journey of creativity, connection, and growth. It’s about celebrating your voice and finding joy in the writing process. 

Prep Week is Sept 2nd through Sept 6 and the challenge happens from Sept 11th - 15th! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to bring your stories life with a crew of writing-ass writers to support you! Join the #20kin5Days Writing Challenge and start your journey with us! 

Hope to see you there!

xo, Tasha

Tasha L. Harrison

Hi! 👋🏾 I’m Tasha L. Harrison and I’m a romance author, freelance editor, creator of the #20kin5Days writing challenge and host of the Wordmakers Writing Community where writers come together to do the writing work! Find out more about me at or join a merry band of writing ass writers at

