We’re approaching the end of Leo Season.

A sad fact for this Leo.

And while this birthday month for the Harrison household, this one has been strange for me as I’m in the process of grieving and finally feeling like I’m recovered from burn out so I don’t quite know how to feel about it. Either way, like the Strawberry Moon, this month’s Super Blue Moon, Sturgeon Moon is one of my favorites.

The full moon is always a magical time, but this August, it's extra special with the Super Blue Moon, also known as the Sturgeon Moon. Now, I know that sounds like a lot of moon talk, but stick with me—there’s something powerful about this lunar combo. A Super Moon happens when the moon is closer to Earth, making it appear bigger and brighter, while a Blue Moon is simply the second full moon in a calendar month. And the Sturgeon Moon? Well, that’s a nod to the time of year when these fish were historically most abundant. When you combine all these elements, you get a moon that’s practically bursting with energy—perfect for us romance writers who are ready to dive deep and make some serious progress in our stories.

This full moon is packed with energy that can give your writing a serious boost. As romance authors, we know that emotions and connections are the heart and soul of our stories. But sometimes, the things we hold onto—whether it’s self-doubt, old ideas, or even characters that just aren’t clicking—can weigh us down. The full moon is the perfect time to release those blocks and make space for new inspiration. By letting go of what’s holding you back, you open yourself up to fresh ideas and deeper emotional journeys in your writing.

The Power of the Full Moon in Writing

The full moon has long been seen as a time of reflection and release, a moment to pause and take stock of where we are before letting go of what no longer serves us. For us romance writers, this lunar phase holds even more significance. The emotional depth and connection we strive to create in our stories often require us to dig deep, and that’s where the full moon’s energy can really come into play.

During this time, we can reflect on our writing process, identifying any habits, fears, or patterns that might be holding us back. Maybe it’s a storyline that’s just not working, or a character who feels a bit flat. The full moon is the perfect opportunity to release those blocks, clearing the way for more authentic, emotionally resonant storytelling. By letting go of what’s no longer serving our stories, we make room for new ideas and richer character development, allowing our romance narratives to flourish.

Identifying What to Release

When it comes to writing, we all have our fair share of challenges and blocks that can slow us down. Maybe it’s that nagging self-doubt that creeps in, making you question if your love scenes are swoon-worthy or if your characters are relatable. Or perhaps it’s the fear of falling into clichés—worrying that your story might just be another predictable tale. And let’s not forget about the attachment to old ideas, those plot points or character arcs you’ve been holding onto forever, even if they’re not quite working.

These challenges can show up in sneaky ways: writer’s block when you’re staring at a blank page, reluctance to edit because you’re afraid of losing something good, or a general sense of frustration with your work. It’s easy to get stuck in these patterns, but the full moon is a perfect time to take a step back and ask yourself, “What’s really holding me back?”

Take a moment to reflect on your own writing struggles. Is there a particular scene that’s been giving you trouble? A character who isn’t quite coming to life? Now’s the time to acknowledge those blocks and consider what you might need to release in order to move forward with your story. Letting go of what’s not working can open up space for new, exciting ideas to flow in.

Full Moon Ritual for Romance Writers

When it comes to harnessing the full moon’s energy, a little ritual can go a long way in helping you let go of what’s no longer serving your writing. You don’t have to get too fancy—simple, intentional practices can be incredibly powerful.

One great way to start is with journaling. Grab a notebook and write down the things you want to release: self-doubt, fear of clichés, that subplot that’s been giving you grief. Just getting these thoughts out on paper can feel like a weight lifted.

If you’re into meditation, consider taking a few quiet moments under the moonlight. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and imagine those blocks dissolving away, leaving space for fresh creativity to flow.

For something a bit more tangible, you might try burning a symbolic item. Write down the habits or fears you’re ready to let go of on small pieces of paper, then safely burn them (in a fireproof dish or outside) as a way to symbolically release them.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to a full moon release ritual focused on your writing:

1. Set Your Space: Find a quiet, comfortable spot where you won’t be disturbed. You might want to light a candle or some incense to set the mood.

2. Reflect: Take a few minutes to think about what’s been holding you back in your writing. What patterns, habits, or thoughts are you ready to release?

3. Write It Down: On a piece of paper, jot down everything you want to let go of—whether it’s a particular fear, an unproductive habit, or something specific in your story that’s just not working.

4. Release: If you’re journaling, take some time to really dig into those blocks and explore why you’re ready to release them. If you’re burning your list, watch the paper as it turns to ash, imagining those blocks disappearing with the smoke.

5. Set an Intention: After releasing, take a moment to set a new intention for your writing. What do you want to create space for? More inspiration, deeper character connections, or a fresh approach to your story?

By the end of your ritual, you’ll likely feel a renewed sense of clarity and motivation, ready to dive back into your romance writing with a fresh perspective.

Setting Intentions for the Next Writing Phase

Once you’ve released what’s been holding you back, it’s time to shift gears and focus on setting new, positive intentions for your writing. This is where the magic happens—when you start thinking about what you really want to create and how you’re going to make it happen.

Setting intentions is all about being clear and specific. Maybe you want to commit to writing daily, even if it’s just a few paragraphs, to build momentum. Or perhaps you’re excited to explore a new trope that you’ve never tried before, pushing your creative boundaries. You might also want to focus on deepening your character development, making sure your protagonists feel as real and complex as possible.

Whatever your goals are, align them with the energy of the moon, which is all about growth and expansion. Think about what you want to cultivate in your writing over the next lunar cycle. Is it a more disciplined writing routine? A fresh perspective on a challenging storyline? Or maybe you’re looking to infuse more emotional depth into your love scenes?

Take a few minutes to jot down these intentions, and keep them somewhere you’ll see them often—like your writing space or your planner. These intentions will serve as your guiding light, helping you stay focused and motivated as you move forward. Remember, the energy you put into setting these intentions now will help you achieve your writing goals in the weeks to come.

To really tap into the energy of the full moon and put your intentions into action, try this practical exercise that’s both creative and cathartic.

Start by writing a letter to your writing block. Yes, you read that right—address it directly. Pour out all your frustrations, fears, and doubts, letting your block know exactly how it’s been holding you back. Don’t hold anything back! Once you’ve got it all down on paper, take that letter and tear it up. Shred it, crumple it, or even burn it (safely, of course)—the act of physically destroying it is a symbolic way of saying goodbye to those blocks for good.

If you’re more of a visual person, creating a vision board for your next project can be a great way to set your intentions. Gather images, quotes, and anything else that inspires you and arrange them on a board. This visual reminder will keep you focused on the new direction you want your writing to take.

Tarot questions to guide your reflection and intention-setting:

1. What specific fears or doubts have been holding you back in your writing?

2. How do you feel after releasing these blocks? What’s shifted for you?

3. What new goals or projects do you want to focus on in the coming weeks?

4. What kind of writer do you want to become? How can you align your daily habits with this vision?

Take some time to work through these questions, and let them guide your intentions as you move into this next phase of your writing journey.

The full moon offers us a unique opportunity to release what’s no longer serving us and to renew our creative energy.

By taking the time to let go of those blocks and set fresh intentions, you’re not just clearing your mind—you’re making space for all the amazing stories waiting to be written.

Embracing this practice as a regular part of your writing routine can help you stay connected to your creative flow and keep your stories feeling fresh and authentic. Remember, each time you release, you’re giving yourself a chance to start anew, with a clear mind and a renewed sense of purpose.

So as you move forward, keep in mind the incredible potential you’ve unlocked. The stories you’re about to write are yours to create, free from the weight of past doubts or fears.

Let the full moon be your guide as you continue to grow and evolve as a romance author, knowing that the best is yet to come.

Happy full moon!

xo, Tasha

Tasha L. Harrison

Hi! 👋🏾 I’m Tasha L. Harrison and I’m a romance author, freelance editor, creator of the #20kin5Days writing challenge and host of the Wordmakers Writing Community where writers come together to do the writing work! Find out more about me at tashalharrisonbooks.com or join a merry band of writing ass writers at wordmakerscommunity.com




Milestone 5-Year Anniversary for #20kin5days!