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Roaring into Creativity with the Energy of Leo Season

Welcome to Leo Season, Wordmakers!

As we step into the vibrant energy of Leo season, it’s time to embrace our inner lions and roar with creativity. This month’s newsletter is packed with insights, inspiration, and a sprinkle of stardust to keep your writing journey sparkling.

As a Leo myself, this season always reminds me of the importance of confidence in our writing. Just like the lion, we need to strut our stuff and let our words roar. I remember when I was drafting my first romance novel. I felt super confident that what I poured onto the page was ready for primetime. I soon learned that it was exactly the opposite! In the years that followed, and definitely during this time of transition (I’m making a move from contemporary to I felt this overwhelming need to hide my work, to keep it safe while I’m in the drafting process. But then, I realized that writing, like love, requires vulnerability and a bit of boldness. So, this is how I’m channeling my Leo energy!

This month, whether you're crafting passionate love scenes or delving into deep character development, let the fiery spirit of Leo guide you. Embrace the drama, the intensity, and the heart of romance. After all, every great love story deserves a little roar.

Tarot Forecast for Romance Authors

Card of the Month: The Chariot

This month’s tarot card is The Chariot, and it's all about movement, determination, and victory. Picture a strong, determined figure riding a chariot, pulled by two powerful horses. The Chariot represents harnessing your willpower, staying focused on your goals, and charging forward despite obstacles. It’s about being in control and making progress through sheer determination.

So, how does The Chariot inspire your writing this month? Think of it as your personal call to action. Maybe you’ve been wrestling with a tricky plot point or struggling to flesh out your characters. The Chariot encourages you to take the reins and drive your story forward with confidence and clarity. It’s a reminder that you have the power to steer your narrative in the direction you want it to go. Push through the writer’s block, stay focused, and let your determination guide you to the finish line.

Here’s a fun writing prompt to get those creative wheels turning:  Write a scene where your protagonist faces a seemingly insurmountable challenge. How do they harness their inner strength and determination to overcome it? What drives them forward, and what do they learn about themselves in the process? 

If you’re looking for more writing prompts, you can find them >here< I’m currently working through literary plot devices. 

Use the energy of The Chariot to fuel your creativity and propel your story to new heights this month. 

Astrology Forecast: Leo Season Vibes

This month the spotlight is on creativity, passion, and a bit of that dramatic flair we love in our romance stories. Leo season, ruled by the Sun, brings a burst of energy and a desire to shine brightly in everything we do. It's the perfect time to let your characters take center stage and dazzle your readers.

You might find yourself feeling more confident and bold, ready to tackle those daring plot twists or add a splash of fiery romance to your stories. The themes of Leo season are all about embracing your inner star, taking risks, and infusing your work with a bit of glamour and grandiosity. Think of it as giving your writing a touch of Hollywood magic.

Leo energy also encourages us to be more expressive and open-hearted. It’s a fantastic time to deepen the emotional connections between your characters and explore their desires and motivations more fully. Let the warmth of the Sun inspire you to create scenes that are not only passionate but also heartfelt and genuine.

So, as you navigate this vibrant season, remember to have fun with your writing. Let your imagination run wild, and don’t be afraid to let your stories shine as brightly as the Leo sun.

Key Transits and Aspects:

August 1 - Full Moon in Aquarius: This full moon is all about breaking free from the norm and embracing your unique voice. Aquarius energy encourages innovation and originality, so it's a fantastic time to experiment with new writing styles or explore unconventional storylines. Let your creativity flow and see where it takes you. This lunar event can also bring sudden insights and revelations, helping you solve plot problems or understand your characters on a deeper level.

August 16 - New Moon in Leo: New moons are all about new beginnings, and with this one in bold, fiery Leo, it's the perfect time to start a fresh project or breathe new life into an existing one. Leo's influence brings a surge of confidence and enthusiasm, making it an ideal moment to set ambitious writing goals or dive into that daring romance novel idea you've been toying with. Channel the courageous, vibrant energy of Leo to make a grand entrance with your next big writing adventure.

Writing Tips Based on Zodiac Signs:

 Aries: Channel your natural enthusiasm and take the lead on your writing projects. Dive into those bold ideas you’ve been mulling over and let your fearless spirit guide you. Aries thrive on action and excitement, so don't hesitate to incorporate high-energy scenes and dynamic characters into your work. Your stories will benefit from your innate ability to keep the pace brisk and engaging.

Taurus: Embrace the steady and patient side of writing. Create a cozy, inspiring space where you can write comfortably, and let your persistence keep you on track with your goals. Taurus writers excel in creating rich, sensory details that bring scenes to life. Take your time to describe the world around your characters and let your readers feel, smell, and taste every moment.

Gemini: Your curiosity and love for communication are your strengths. Explore different genres, play with dialogue, and let your versatile mind bring variety and excitement to your stories. Gemini writers are natural storytellers, so don't be afraid to juggle multiple plotlines or create characters with complex, witty banter. Your adaptability can keep your writing fresh and unexpected.

Cancer: Tap into your emotional depth and intuition. Write scenes that are rich with feeling and create characters that resonate on a deeply personal level. Cancer writers have a knack for evoking empathy and compassion, so focus on the emotional journeys of your characters. Let their relationships and internal struggles drive the narrative, making your readers deeply invested in their fates.

Leo: Shine brightly and let your creativity take center stage. Don’t shy away from grand, dramatic storylines and charismatic characters that captivate your readers. Leo writers are natural entertainers, so embrace your flair for the dramatic. Whether it's through bold plot twists or larger-than-life heroes, your writing can leave a lasting impression by being unapologetically vibrant and engaging.

Virgo: Use your keen eye for detail to your advantage. Focus on editing and refining your work, ensuring that every word and plot point is meticulously crafted. Virgo writers excel in creating well-structured, polished stories. Take the time to research thoroughly, build your world with precision, and revise until your prose is as sharp as possible. Your meticulous nature can elevate your writing to a professional level.

Libra: Balance and harmony are key. Create relationships and dynamics in your stories that reflect your natural understanding of social interactions and emotional connections. Libra writers excel in crafting compelling, realistic dialogues and intricate character dynamics. Focus on building balanced relationships in your stories, where each character's perspective is given equal weight and consideration.

Scorpio: Dive deep into the mysteries and complexities of your characters. Embrace the intense and transformative aspects of storytelling, and don’t be afraid to explore darker themes. Scorpio writers thrive on delving into the depths of human emotion and psychology. Let your characters confront their inner demons and face transformative challenges, creating stories that are emotionally powerful and gripping.

Sagittarius: Let your adventurous spirit lead the way. Write about far-off places, grand adventures, and philosophical quests that reflect your love for exploration and knowledge. Sagittarius writers are natural explorers, so infuse your stories with a sense of wanderlust and discovery. Whether it's through epic journeys or intellectual pursuits, your writing can inspire readers to see the world from new perspectives.

Capricorn: Harness your discipline and ambition to set and achieve writing goals. Focus on long-term projects that require perseverance and a strong work ethic. Capricorn writers excel in creating structured, ambitious works that stand the test of time. Set clear goals for your writing and break them down into manageable tasks. Your determination and practical approach can lead to substantial, impactful stories.

Aquarius: Innovate and think outside the box. Use your unique perspective to bring fresh ideas and unconventional storylines to your writing, making it stand out from the crowd. Aquarius writers are visionaries, so don't be afraid to challenge norms and experiment with new forms of storytelling. Your ability to think differently can lead to groundbreaking and memorable narratives.

Pisces:  Allow your imagination to flow freely. Write dreamy, fantastical tales that transport your readers to other worlds, and let your empathy shine through your characters. Pisces writers excel in creating immersive, otherworldly experiences. Embrace your imaginative nature and weave intricate, emotive stories that touch the heart and soul of your readers. Let your intuition guide you in creating rich, layered narratives.

Featured Article: Romance 101 Blog Series

This month, I reinstated my #JustTheTipTuesday blog series with Romance 101. If you’ve ever wondered about the nuts and bolts of crafting a compelling romance, I’m building a go-to guide for y’all! Curious to learn more? Click through to read the full article and get all the tips and tricks you need to master the art of romance writing. Trust us, this is one you won't want to miss!

What’s Going on in the Community? 

 Plot-A-Thon is scheduled for Aug 9th, and the next #20kin5Days will be Sept.11- 15th! Mark your calendars! 

If you’re reading this and discovering that you’re no longer a member of Wordmakers, my deepest and sincerest apologies! I’ve been working with Mighty Networks the entire month of July trying to get everyone bumped down to the new 9.99 membership tier. I tried moving everyone manually as they advised, but that ultimately resulted in people being charged twice. Considering that issue, I’ve decided to unenroll everyone and start from scratch which requires all of you to sign up again. To that end, here’s a link to sign up for the new membership tier.

As I wrap up this month’s newsletter, I want to leave you with a bit of encouragement.

Remember, writing is a journey filled with highs and lows, but every word you put down is a step forward. Embrace the process, trust in your creativity, and don’t be afraid to let your unique voice shine through. And join our community to share your progress, ask questions, and support each other. Your stories and experiences inspire us all, so let’s keep the conversation going.

We love keeping in touch with our Wordmakers community, so be sure to follow us on social media for daily inspiration, tips, and updates! 

You can also follow Wordmakers on the below accounts:

Instagram: @MakingtheWords 

Threads: @MakingtheWords