Finding Balance and Embracing Growth: Thriving in Libra Season

Hey there, Wordmaker! 

Welcome to Spooky Season! This is my favorite time of year—when the air gets crisp, the vibe gets a little creepy, and we get to lean into all things mysterious and magical. As the leaves start to turn, I always feel that tug, that little voice calling me to slow down and reflect. 

As romance authors, we spend so much of the year buried in the grind of daily tasks: drafting, editing, managing social media, and keeping up with our readers. This is “working in” our author businesses, where we’re in the thick of it, day-to-day. But when October rolls around, it’s a signal to me that it’s time to “work on” my business. This is the season for strategy. The season to step back and think bigger.

Whether you’re planning your next series, dreaming up a new marketing strategy, or analyzing what worked (and didn’t) in your last launch, this is the time to zoom out and focus on long-term growth. Answer the call to do the work that aligns with where you want to take your career next. Maybe it’s reaching out to an agent, or maybe it’s finally building out that mailing list or plotting out next year’s book releases. Whatever it is, this is your moment to plan with purpose.

Q4 is kind of like the calm before the storm—a time when we can take a breath, look ahead, and set ourselves up for success. It’s tempting to wait until December to start thinking about goals for the new year, but honestly, by then, you’re dealing with holiday chaos and all those “new year, new me” distractions. Instead, I like to use this time to get a head start, especially when it comes to planning. That way, by January 1st, you’re not scrambling; you’re ready to hit the ground running.

This is why I’m diving into #Plot4in30Days, starting November 1st! It’s kind of like Camp NaNoWriMo but with a twist. Instead of focusing on one story, we’re plotting four. Yes, four. It’s ambitious but also an exciting way to push your boundaries, experiment with new ideas, and build up a portfolio of outlines that you can develop throughout the year. Think of it as giving yourself options—you might discover a story you’re dying to write next or something that surprises you creatively. Full disclosure: this is the first time I’m running this, so I might change some things on the fly. 

Along with that, we’ll be tackling the Strategy phase of planning and publishing. This is where we focus on the big picture: creating a clear, actionable plan that guides your project from start to finish. This phase is all about setting the stage for success—establishing your deadlines, mapping out milestones, and making sure everything is aligned with your overall vision. It’s the part of the process that ensures your work doesn’t just happen by accident but by design. 

So, if you want to jump in, November 1st is the day to start. Let's make this last quarter count and head into the new year with a solid plan that feels intentional!

* * * *

On a more serious note, I live in an area hit by Hurricane Helene. Watching the devastation and recovery efforts has been a surreal and heartbreaking experience. It’s difficult to fully describe the devastation that has swept through this region, and seeing it firsthand is far worse than anything you might see on social or national media. When places that hold memories, places you’ve loved, just vanish in a storm that no one could have been prepared for—it feels like losing a part of yourself.

But even in the midst of this overwhelming loss, the response from WNC (Western North Carolina) and Upstate SC has been nothing short of remarkable. People have stepped up in ways that fill me with a deep sense of pride for this community I now call home. Neighbors helping neighbors, strangers showing up with food, supplies, and a hand to hold—it’s been a powerful reminder of what it means to be part of something bigger than yourself. A real-life demonstration of what it means to be in community with others. 

If you feel moved to help and want to donate your time or money, here’s a list of reputable charities and organizations doing great work on the ground. Every little bit counts, and together, we can help rebuild and support those who need it most. 

This community is resilient, and while the road to recovery is long, I have no doubt we’ll get through this stronger than before.

On the blog:

I took a little break from writing articles on this here blog, but you can get caught up on #JustTheTipTuesday, Romance 101 here! A new post about Horror Romance goes up tomorrow! However, the cadence of Romance 101 is going to shift to once a month so I can share other tips and tricks on Tuesdays to keep it fun and interesting for y’all. 

Tarot Forecast

Card of the Month: Nine of Cups

The Nine of Cups is often called the “wish card,” symbolizing emotional fulfillment, satisfaction, and the joy of achieving your goals. It represents a moment of contentment and celebration, where everything feels in alignment, and you’re basking in the success of your efforts. This card encourages you to appreciate what you’ve accomplished, whether it’s a personal or creative milestone.

For romance authors, the Nine of Cups invites us to embrace the joy of storytelling. Maybe you’ve finished a draft, hit a writing goal, or found a new spark of inspiration. This card reminds us to celebrate those wins and reflect on what truly fulfills us as authors. 

If you’ve been feeling blocked, take this time to reconnect with what makes writing enjoyable for you—whether it’s exploring new ideas or diving into a story that excites you.

Self-Reflection Prompt: What is your “wish fulfilled” moment as a writer? Visualize your ideal creative outcome, whether it’s finishing a manuscript, gaining more readers, or achieving a specific writing goal. How does it feel, and what steps can you take to make it happen?

Overview of the Month:  

This month’s energy centers around transformation and growth. With key planetary shifts, it’s a time to focus on personal and creative expansion. You may find moments of deep reflection paired with bursts of inspiration, making it the perfect time to reassess your writing goals and embrace new opportunities.

Key Transits and Aspects:

October 9th, 2024- Jupiter Goes Retrograde in Gemini: Jupiter retrograde in Gemini urges us to revisit our beliefs, ideas, and communications. This period is excellent for introspection and reassessing our goals. It’s a time to refine our knowledge and understanding, focusing on internal growth and wisdom. 

October 17, 2024 - Hunter’s Moon: The Hunter’s Moon is a good time to embrace change by letting go of the old, and preparing for new opportunities. The Hunter's Moon traditionally signaled a time to gather resources and prepare for the winter, making it a powerful time for reflection, wrapping up projects, and setting intentions for the future. Since this full moon will also be a Supermoon, its intense energy is perfect for releasing fears and taking bold steps toward your goals

Writing Tips for October Based on Zodiac Signs:

Aries: Take bold risks with your characters. Let them dive headfirst into situations that test their courage and make for exciting plot twists.

Taurus: Ground your writing in sensory details. Describe the feel of every glance and the warmth of every touch to draw readers into the world you’re creating.

Gemini: Focus on witty, playful dialogue. Let your characters’ conversations crackle with energy and lightheartedness.

Cancer: Dive deep into your characters’ emotional world. Explore the unspoken longings and hidden feelings that drive their actions.

Leo: Embrace grand, dramatic moments in your story. Big romantic gestures or high-stakes emotional tension can take center stage this month.

Virgo: Use structure to fuel creativity. Create outlines, timelines, or rituals that help you stay organized and inspired in your writing process.

Libra: Focus on balance in your characters’ relationships. Consider exploring the dynamic between opposites attracting and how they complement each other.

Scorpio: Dive into the psychological depths of your characters. Explore their desires, secrets, and motivations to create intrigue and emotional tension.

Sagittarius: Let your imagination run wild by exploring new settings, cultures, or ideas. This is a great time to expand your horizons in storytelling.

Capricorn: Stay disciplined and goal-oriented. Focus on what your characters are striving for and how that mirrors your own writing ambitions.

Aquarius: Experiment with unconventional plot twists or character arcs. Let your creativity flow freely as you break from traditional romance tropes.

Pisces: Trust your intuition when writing. If a scene or character doesn’t feel right, don’t be afraid to revise until it resonates emotionally. Your sensitivity is your superpower this month.

As we settle into the season and embrace the transformative energy of Q4, take the time to step back, reflect, and plan for what’s ahead. Whether you’re joining #Plot4in30Days or setting new creative goals, this season is all about aligning with your long-term vision and pushing past any fear or hesitation. The Nine of Cups reminds us to celebrate the wins, no matter how small, while the cosmic shifts this month invite us to find balance and grounding in our work. 

Let’s take advantage of this moment to not only dream big but also lay the strategic groundwork to bring those dreams to life. And as we move forward, let’s not forget the strength and resilience of our communities, supporting each other through the challenges that come our way. Together, we’ll finish this year strong, ready to tackle whatever the future holds.

Until next time, keep nurturing your creativity, keep challenging yourself, and above all, keep making those words, you writing ass writer!

xo, Tasha

Tasha L. Harrison

Hi! 👋🏾 I’m Tasha L. Harrison and I’m a romance author, freelance editor, creator of the #20kin5Days writing challenge and host of the Wordmakers Writing Community where writers come together to do the writing work! Find out more about me at or join a merry band of writing ass writers at

#JustTheTipTuesday Horror Romance


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