Welcome to today’s episode of the Making Words with Tasha L. Harrison, where we dive into the heart of slow creativity and building a sustainable writing career.

In this episode:

  • Recap of #20kin5Days Challenge: Our host shares their experience with the recent Wordmakers Community event, highlighting the unexpected journey of juggling multiple projects and surpassing writing goals.

  • Genre Shift Journey: Discover the transition from writing contemporary romance to exploring horror romance, and the challenges and insights gained along the way.

  • Sustainable Success Strategies: We delve into practical strategies for achieving long-term success in the writing world, moving beyond the hustle culture to embrace a balanced and fulfilling career path.

  • Organic Growth Importance: Understand the value of building your audience gradually through genuine engagement, and how this approach forms a solid foundation for a successful writing career.

  • Consistency in Writing: Explore how maintaining a regular and predictable writing and publishing schedule can enhance your relationship with readers and contribute to your career's longevity.

  • Navigating the Slow and Steady Growth Path: Insights into balancing consistent output with personal well-being, avoiding burnout, and fostering a loyal readership.

  • Marketing and Promotion with StoryBrand: Introduction to the SB7 framework by Donald Miller and how it can be tailored to connect deeply with your ideal readers in the romance genre.

  • Practical Tips and Personal Experiences: Our host shares their approach to planning, engaging with readers, and the lessons learned from embracing the slow creativity movement.

Before we get started, I want talk about our most recent event in the Wordmakers Community, #20kin5Days.

You know, that challenge where we spend 5 days of writing 4000 words a day. I completed the five days with 24,482 which was more than I expected, for some reason. I split my focus during this challenge. I’m not a big fan of working on more than one project at once. That wasn’t my original intention. I meant to focus on creating content for the Wordmakers podcast and website — which I did! However, I just couldn’t stay out of my fiction document.

Stick with me because this is relevant. 

I can’t remember if I’ve shared this with y’all or not, but I’m making a genre shift. After years of writing contemporary, finding my horror romance voice has been hard, y’all! Luckily, I have a critique group to help me through this process, but I’ve had to go back to the drawing board several times. And as I notice how difficult it is for me to leave that contemporary “voice” of mine behind, I know that I’m going to need to bring my readers along in much the same way! It got me to thinking about how the things I’m going to share with you today, make it easy for me to make that transition. 

So in last episode, when we talked about Finding & Defining Your Author Identity, I mentioned this this week’s episode would focus on strategies for achieving sustainable success. So, today, I’m gonna give you the nitty-gritty on how to get that done. But, when I was outlining and writing this for y’all, I had to pause for a moment and have a little laugh. 

Have you ever heard of The Slow Movement?

Basically, the "slow" movement is an antidote to our high-speed, efficiency-obsessed modern life. It champions the idea of taking it easy, savoring the moment, and prioritizing quality over quantity. It's not just about doing everything at a snail's pace; rather, it's about finding the right speed to fully engage with tasks, appreciate experiences, and foster deep connections with people, food, and the environment.

This movement has branched into various areas, such as slow food, slow living, slow travel, and even slow fashion, each emphasizing mindfulness, sustainability, and a more intentional approach to consumption and lifestyle choices. 

I just realized that The Wordmaker Mindset and my way of approaching my writing career is a version of the slow movement. It’s me tapping in, savoring the moment, and prioritizing quality in the way that I live my author life. And these strategies for achieving sustainable success speak to that. Admittedly when I first heard about this movement, it seemed a little crunchy to me. I never considered myself to be much of a hippy — bohemian, maybe, but never the type of person who would proudly profess that I’m part of this kind of movement. And yet… here we are. So that’s what I’m doing. I’m starting a slow creativity movement, wordmakers. And in this movement we learn our process, bask in the creation and putting words on the page, and sell in a way that feels authentic and sustainable for us. Yup, I’m embracing it. I’m embracing that fully. 

So, with that out of the way, I hope you know that you’re not going to get any shortcuts, quick fixes, or magic potions from this episode. Nothing about that is sustainable, and you can get that kind of content in plenty of places. 

But you won’t hear it from me! 

Let’s get into it.

Last episode, I talked about how hustle culture can strip away your natural voice and style. There was also a bit in there about how we live in a capitalist society and we all gotta eat. 

Unfortunately, if you’re an author, the only way you sell your books is if you tell people about them. Add that to the pressure of churning out more books and book-related accessories quickly and being ever-present on all the apps, the idea of building an audience slowly might seem counterintuitive. However, the  Slow and Steady Growth approach is not only sustainable but can also be incredibly rewarding as you’ll create a crew of people who support your work rather than a bunch of one-off readers! By focusing on organic growth and genuine engagement, you can cultivate a dedicated readership that not only supports their current work but eagerly anticipates future releases.

The Importance of Organic Growth

In the romance genre, more than in any other, reader loyalty is a precious commodity. Organic growth — building your audience gradually through word-of-mouth, genuine engagement, and quality content — ensures a solid foundation for a writer’s career. It’s about nurturing a relationship with your readers that’s based on trust, respect, and a mutual love for the stories you tell. This dedicated readership becomes the backbone of your success, providing a steady stream of support through book sales, reviews, and recommendations.

Unlike other marketing strategies that rely heavily on paid promotions and aggressive advertising, organic growth focuses on building an audience gradually and sustainably.

So, you should know ahead of time that organic growth requires patience, dedication, and a deep understanding of the ecosystem you're operating within. For romance writers, this ecosystem is made up of readers who seek not just stories, but emotional experiences and connections that resonate with them. Achieving reader loyalty in this genre is paramount, as it serves as a testament to the writer's ability to stir emotions through their storytelling.

The essence of organic growth lies in nurturing a relationship with your readers that transcends the transactional nature of buying and selling books. 

This connection is cultivated through engaging with readers on social media, responding to comments and messages, and creating content that speaks directly to their interests and desires. By investing time and effort into understanding your audience, you create a space where they feel valued and seen.

Organic growth can ensure longevity in a your career. In an industry where trends can shift rapidly, and visibility is a hot commodity, having a loyal base of readers provides a stable platform from which to launch new projects and experiment with different storytelling techniques. This loyal community is more forgiving of risks and more likely to stay engaged through the ups and downs of a writer's creative journey.

The Role of Consistency in Creating Sustainable Success 

Consistency is also key in romance writing. Regular releases help create a sense of anticipation and reliability among your audience. It shows that you’re committed not just to your craft but also to providing them with the stories they love. Many successful romance authors attribute their growth to consistency and engagement with their readers. It’s a testament to the fact that when readers know they can expect new content regularly, they’re more likely to stay engaged and invested in your work.

Moreover, consistency in publishing schedules allows authors to stay relevant in a genre that thrives on fresh content. The romance writing landscape is highly competitive, with countless stories vying for readers' attention. Regular releases help authors maintain visibility and keep their names and stories in the hearts and minds of their audience. This strategy not only attracts new readers but also retains existing ones, who become more likely to recommend the author's work to others, further amplifying organic growth.

The role of consistency extends beyond the publication of books. Engaging with readers through social media, newsletters, and personal appearances with a regular and predictable cadence strengthens the bond between authors and their audience. This engagement ensures that readers feel valued and seen, creating a community of fans who are not only loyal but also vocal advocates for the author's work.

Now this doesn’t mean that you need to sit down at the beginning of the year and plan it all out — four books a year with two novellas and three conferences for example, would be a slighty manic way to plan out my year. Instead, I encourage you to look back at not your most successful year of writing but the year when you were able to write, publish, and promote in a way that was low-stress. If you don’t have one of those, let’s run through how to maintain consistency without creating a relentless publishing schedule. The key is to find a balance that allows you to be consistent without overburdening yourself. 

Here’s how to achieve that:

1. Plan Realistically: Start by assessing your writing process and understanding how much time you genuinely need to write, revise, and publish your work without compromising its quality. Set achievable goals for your publishing schedule that align with your personal and professional commitments.

2. Quality Over Quantity: Remember, your readers are here for the compelling stories and emotional journeys you offer. It’s better to publish fewer high-quality stories that deeply resonate with your audience than to churn out content that doesn't meet their expectations or your standards.

3. Establish a Writing Routine: Find a writing routine that works for you and stick to it. Whether it’s a daily word count goal or dedicated writing days throughout the week, a consistent routine can help manage your workload and keep the creative juices flowing.

4. Utilize Time-Management Tools: Take advantage of planning and scheduling tools to organize your writing, publishing, and marketing activities. This can help you stay on track without feeling overwhelmed and ensure that you’re devoting enough time to each aspect of your career.

5. Engage with Your Audience Strategically: While engaging with your readers is crucial, it doesn’t have to consume all your time. Schedule regular but manageable periods for social media interaction, email newsletters, and responding to comments. Automate what you can and consider setting boundaries to maintain a healthy balance.

6. Embrace Flexibility: Understand that some flexibility in your schedule is necessary. Life happens, and sometimes you might need to adjust your plans. The key is not to view these adjustments as failures but as part of the ebb and flow of a sustainable writing career.

7. Batch Tasks: Group similar tasks together and tackle them in dedicated blocks of time. For example, dedicate a day to writing blog posts or newsletters and another day to social media content creation. This approach can increase efficiency and reduce the constant switching between different types of tasks.

8. Prioritize Self-Care: Burnout is a real risk in any creative profession. Ensure that you’re taking care of your mental and physical health by setting aside time for rest, hobbies, and social activities that rejuvenate you.

9. Learn from Others: Connect with other authors to learn about their strategies for maintaining consistency. The writing community is a great resource for support, advice, and encouragement.

10. Reflect and Adjust: Regularly assess your process and make adjustments as needed. What works for you one year might not work the next. Stay open to change and continuously look for ways to improve your balance between consistency and personal well-being.

Maintaining consistency in your writing and publishing schedule is crucial for building a loyal readership and achieving long-term success. However, it’s equally important to find a rhythm that allows you to thrive both as a writer and as an individual. By setting realistic goals, prioritizing quality, and embracing a flexible approach, you can sustain a fulfilling and successful career in romance writing without succumbing to stress or burnout.

So we’ve talked about the importance of organic growth and consistency. Let’s move on to marketing and promotion strategies. 

Storytelling is The Key To Selling:

Have you ever heard of Story Brand by Donald Miller? Stay with me because we’re about to get real entrepreneurish. Donald Miller is the creator of The SB7 framework, also known as StoryBrand 7, which is a marketing approach that helps businesses clarify their messaging to better connect with customers. The framework uses the elements of storytelling to create effective and engaging brand messages. 

Here are the seven components of the SB7 framework:

1. A Character

2. Has a Problem

3. Meets a Guide

4. Who Gives Them a Plan

5. And Calls Them to Action

6. That Helps Them Avoid Failure

7. And Ends in a Success

Now let’s break this down to make it work for your ideal reader:

A Character: 

For author’s this is your ideal reader. They are the “main character” of this story. You, the author, need to understand your readers needs and desires in the romance novels they want to read. Your ideal reader is probably looking for:

Emotional Engagement: Romance readers want stories that provide emotional depth and allow them to experience intense feelings of love, passion, and connection. They want to see characters with whom they can empathize and whose romantic journeys feel genuine and compelling.

Escapism: Many readers turn to romance novels as a form of escapism from the routine or stresses of everyday life. They desire a world where they can immerse themselves in the beauty, excitement, and unpredictability of love.

Relatable Characters: Romance readers look for characters that they can relate to or aspire to be. 

Variety and Novelty: While enjoying familiar tropes, readers also crave variety and novelty in the stories they read. They are interested in different settings, from historical to contemporary, paranormal to fantasy, highlighting their need for diverse and rich narrative experiences.

Satisfying Resolution: As we all know, romance novels have two genre conventions: a central love story with a HEA or HFN ending. The journey through the ups and downs of a romance novel is important, but it must lead to a that guaranteed, and a satisfying resolution. 

Community and Belonging: Romancelandians really value being part of a community, whether it's through book clubs, online forums, or social media groups. They look for opportunities to connect with others who share their passion for romance novels, discuss their favorite books and authors, and recommend new reads.

You can choose one or all of these as a starting point to create your marketing.  

Has a Problem: 

What challenge or problem does your reader face? This can be external, internal, or philosophical, and understanding that problem can help you tailor your narratives to meet the your ideal reader''s needs effectively. For example…

  1. External Problem: Their external problem might be the lack of access to romance novels that cater to their specific tastes or preferences. They may be searching for stories that feature certain themes, settings, or character types that are not prevalent in the mainstream market. For example, a reader might be looking for romance novels with Black couple or stories set in underrepresented cultures or historical periods.

  2. Internal Problem: Internally, your readers may be seeking an emotional connection or a sense of escapism from the stresses of daily life. They might be going through personal challenges, relationship issues, loneliness, or life transitions, and are looking for stories that offer comfort, hope, or a temporary escape into a world where love triumphs over adversity. This internal problem is about fulfilling emotional needs and finding solace or inspiration in the romantic journeys of your characters.

  3. Philosophical Problem: Philosophically, the problem could stem from a deeper yearning for narratives that challenge societal norms or explore complex ethical and moral questions within the context of romance. Some readers might be looking for stories that address issues like gender equality, racial justice, or environmental sustainability, woven into the fabric of a romantic narrative. They seek stories that not only entertain but also resonate with their values and beliefs, offering a more profound, thought-provoking experience.

Identifying and addressing these problems in your storytelling and marketing efforts, you can better connect with your ideal readers by offering books and marketing content that pinponts their desire for emotional depth, escapism, and engagement with larger societal themes. It’s worth mentioning, these might also be problems you encounter as a romance author! This commonality can strengthen the bond between you and your reader and facilitate a more engaged and loyal readership.

Meets a Guide: 

You act as an empathy and authority-filled guide, for your ideal readers. You can do this by:

1. Understand Reader Emotions: Show that you understand the emotional journey your readers are seeking through your stories. Acknowledge the feelings of love, desire, heartbreak, and joy that readers expect to experience in romance novels.

2. Address Reader Needs: Recognize the problems your readers face, such as the need for escapism, the desire for emotionally satisfying stories, or the search for novels that resonate with their personal experiences or values.

3. Engage Personally: Interact with your readers through social media, emails, or events, showing genuine interest in their thoughts and feelings about your genre, themes, and characters.

4. Showcase Expertise: Share your experience and knowledge of the romance genre, including trends, character development, and storytelling techniques, to establish yourself as a skilled and knowledgeable author.

5. Provide Insights: Offer behind-the-scenes looks at your writing process, research, and inspirations, helping readers understand the depth of work and passion that goes into creating your novels.

6. Share Successes and Testimonials: Highlight positive reviews, awards, or reader testimonials to demonstrate that your books have successfully met the needs and expectations of other romance readers.

This approach not only helps to build a strong, loyal readership but also establishes you as the go-to source for knowledge about your work.

Who Gives Them a Plan: 

You, the author, need to provide a clear and actionable plan to your ideal reader involves guiding them through the discovery and enjoyment of your books and creating a deeper engagement with your work. 

Step-by-Step Discovery and Engagement Plan:

1. Introduction to the Your World: Start by inviting readers to explore your universe of romance stories. This could be through a welcoming email series that introduces new subscribers to your most popular works, shares the themes you love to explore, and gives a taste of your writing style.

2. Reading Pathway: Create a recommended reading order or pathways through your books, especially if you have a series or interconnected stories. This helps readers navigate your portfolio and ensures they get the most out of the experience, building their investment in your narrative world.

3. Exclusive Content: Offer exclusive content, such as short stories, novellas, or behind-the-scenes insights, to readers who sign up for your newsletter or join your reader group. This content can provide additional depth to your novels and enhance the reader's experience.

4. Community Engagement: Encourage readers to join your online community, whether it’s a social media group, a forum on your website, or a book club. Here, they can discuss your books, share theories, and connect with other fans, deepening their engagement with your work.

5. Interactive Events: Host live Q&A sessions, book readings, or writing workshops that allow readers to interact with you directly. These events can be platforms for readers to ask questions, learn more about the writing process, and feel more connected to you as an author.

6. Feedback Loop: Encourage your readers to share their thoughts on your books through reviews, social media posts, or direct communication. Offer a simple way for them to provide feedback, such as through a survey or a comment section on your website, and show that you value their input by responding or incorporating their suggestions into your future work.

7. Continual Updates: Keep your readers informed about upcoming releases, book signings, and other events. Regular updates via email or social media ensure that readers stay engaged and look forward to new content.

By providing this clear and actionable plan, you can guide your ideal reader through a fulfilling journey with your books, ensuring that each step adds value and deepens their engagement with your work. This approach not only helps solve the reader's problem of finding enjoyable and meaningful romance stories but also builds a loyal relationship between you and them!

And Calls Them to Action: 

For you, this translates to motivating readers to engage with your work actively. Here’s how this can be effectively implemented:

1. Book Launches and Sales: You can call readers to action by promoting new releases, special editions, or discounted sales. This direct approach encourages readers to purchase and read your latest works, capitalizing on the anticipation and excitement surrounding a new book launch.

2. Exclusive Offers: You can offer exclusive content or special deals to your readers, such as signed copies, bundled series, or limited-time offers. These incentives motivate readers to act quickly to take advantage of the unique opportunities.

3. Joining the Author’s Community: Invite readers to join your exclusive communities, such as Patreon, social media groups, or membership clubs, where they can get early access to content, exclusive updates, and direct interaction with you.

4. Book Clubs and Reading Groups: By inviting readers to participate in book clubs or reading groups, encourage them to not only buy and read the books but also engage in discussions, share their perspectives, and connect with other fans.

5. Personalized Interactions: Encourage your readers to take action by offering personalized experiences, such as custom dedications, one-on-one video calls, or personalized merchandise, which can be tied to book purchases or promotional events.

6. Feedback and Reviews: Always, always, always request and thank your readers for leaving reviews or feedback on review platforms like Amazon, Storygraph and Goodreads. Reviews not only enhance the book's visibility and credibility but also encourage other potential readers to make a purchase.

Small aside: never ever ever tell readers what kinds of reviews they should leave. Reviews are for readers, not authors. They're free to have their opinions about your book once it's out in the world. If you can't handle reading your reviews without spiraling, get someone close to you to do it or give that task to your virtual assistant. Also, bad reviews do just as much work as good reviews when it comes to selling books. The things one reader hates might be the thing your ideal reader lives for!

7. Events and Signings: Inviting readers to attend book signings, launch events, or virtual meetings can act as a call to action, providing them with a tangible way to support and engage with the you.

By clearly communicating these actions and making it easy for your readers to participate, you can effectively guide your audience toward deeper engagement and support for your work.

That Helps Them Avoid Failure: 

What is at stake if your ideal reader doesn’t take action? Admittedly, the stakes are pretty low. It’s just a book after all. So, mostly, you’ll focus on what they might miss out on if they don't engage with your work. This has to be done subtly, but it can be done. 

1. Risk of Missing Out on Emotional Journey: You can convey to readers that by not reading your books, they risk missing out on an emotional journey that could resonate deeply with them. Full disclosure, you have to be really careful how you word this. Instead of flat out telling them they’re missing out, say. “This is what readers have to say about character/trope/story etc.” Which gives an opportunity for readers who’ve already read the book to chime in as well. 

2. Loss of Community and Connection: You can emphasize the value of the community you've built around your books. Readers who do not take action might miss out on the chance to connect with like-minded individuals, share their thoughts and feelings about the stories, and participate in discussions and events that can enhance their reading experience.

3. Limited-Time Offers: By creating urgency around limited-time offers or exclusive content, you can communicate the risk of missing out on special opportunities, such as getting a book at a discounted rate, accessing bonus materials, or attending a live event with you.

4. Series Continuity and Spoilers: If you're writing series, you can highlight the risk of falling behind and encountering spoilers. Engaging with each book as it releases allows readers to stay up to date with the story and enjoy the unfolding narrative without the risk of spoilers ruining their experience.

5. Exclusive Insights and Backstories: You can share how your communications or exclusive content offer deeper insights into the characters and storylines. Readers who don’t engage might miss out on these enriching backstories and a more profound understanding of the narrative world.

By effectively communicating these points, you can create a sense of what’s at stake for your readers and motivate them to take action to avoid the potential feelings of FOMO. This approach helps to drive engagement and maintains their interest in the your work.

Ends in a Success: 

For romance authors, this involves illustrating to your ideal readers how engaging with your books and community will lead to a satisfying and enriching experience for their fellow readers and you, the author. Here’s how this concept can be applied:

1. Emotional Satisfaction: You can communicate the joy and emotional fulfillment that comes from getting lost in a good romance novel. By following your suggested reading pathways or engaging with your content, readers can experience the pleasure of well-crafted love stories that speak to their hearts and stir their emotions.

2. Sense of Belonging: You can highlight the success of becoming part of a community that shares a love for romance novels — your romance novels in particular. This connection can improve readers' lives by providing a sense of belonging and an opportunity to engage with like-minded individuals who share their interests and passions.

3. Deepened Understanding: By engaging with your work, readers can gain deeper insights into the characters, settings, and themes of the books, enhancing their overall reading experience and enjoyment of the story.

4. Ongoing Engagement: Success for readers also means having a continuous stream of your work to look forward to, whether through upcoming book releases, exclusive content, or interactive events. This ongoing engagement keeps the excitement alive and gives readers something to look forward to in your journey.

6. Empowerment through Choice: You can show how readers succeed by having the agency to choose their next read from a diverse catalog, empowering them to tailor their reading experience to their mood, interests, and needs.

Framing the end result of engaging with your work as a series of successful outcomes creates a compelling vision for your readers of how they contribute to your success. This vision not only highlights the immediate benefits of reading your books but also showcases the long-term advantages of being part of the your community. If you're interested in the SB7 framework, I've included a link in the show notes to Story Brand by Donald Miller. Grab your copy and get busy using it to create a marketing and promotion plan that centers your ideal reader.

Okay so we've talked about the importance of organic growth, consistency, and using the SB7 framework to engage your readers. So to wrap up this episode, I want to give you some practical advice on how to deal with the challenges baked into this strategy.

Challenges and How to Overcome Them

From navigating slow growth periods to maintaining motivation, romance authors face numerous obstacles. 

Here’s a breakdown of common obstacles and strategies for overcoming them, ensuring you stay motivated and true to your craft:

1. Slow Growth Periods: It can be disheartening when growth seems slow or stagnant, whether in terms of social media followers, book sales, or reader engagement. Understand that building an audience takes time. Stay consistent with your writing and engagement efforts. Regularly review what works and what doesn't. Pay attention your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to discover if maybe a particular type of story, social media content, or marketing strategy is more effective. Adjust your approach based on these insights.

2. Maintaining Motivation: Keeping the motivation high can be tough, especially when faced with setbacks or slow progress. Break down your larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. Celebrating small victories can provide a sense of progress and maintain motivation.

Another way to maintain motivation is by connecting with fellow authors. Join writing groups or online communities, share experiences and challenges and let your fellow authors offer support and motivation. You might also gain some perspective on what it's really like to be an author.

3. Staying True to Your Storytelling: This one really resonates with me. There's always pressure to conform to market trends or to write what you think will sell, rather than what resonates with you. Remember what drew you to writing romance in the first place. Stay true to your voice and the stories you want to tell. While it's important to be aware of the market, find a way to infuse popular trends with your unique twist, keeping your storytelling authentic.

4. Building Genuine Connections: Developing a deep, authentic connection with your audience can be challenging amidst the noise of social media and the vast number of authors vying for attention. Respond to comments, messages, and emails. Genuine engagement can turn a casual reader into a loyal fan. Let your audience in on your writing process, the challenges you face, and your successes. This transparency can build a stronger connection with your audience.

5. Adapting to Change: The publishing industry and reader preferences are always evolving, which can make it hard to keep up. Understanding changes in the market can help you adapt your strategy accordingly. Be open to trying new platforms, marketing strategies, or even exploring different sub-genres within romance to see what resonates with your audience. The latter is my plan to seek joy in my writing process, and while it's still early in the year, I'd say it's really paying off!

Also, every successful author has faced and overcame these challenges at some point. The key is to remain focused on why you started writing in the first place: to tell stories that resonate with you and your readers. By embracing the journey, staying adaptable, and focusing on genuine connections, you'll not only overcome these challenges but also build a dedicated audience who loves your work.

This slow and steady approach to audience building offers numerous benefits for you, the author, and your career. I recognize that this slow approach requires a lot of work from you, but in this game, you will either pay in time or money. I know that a lot of romance authors are bootstrapping their careers, so dedicating time to audience building in the right way will get you to the point where you're able to throw some money at marketing and promotion. But know that by embracing this approach, you can ensure that the career you build is sustainable and fulfilling. If you decide to take or have taken this approach, let me know! Share your journey and successes, and let’s celebrate the power of crafting our careers on our terms.

Tasha L. Harrison

Hi! 👋🏾 I’m Tasha L. Harrison and I’m a romance author, freelance editor, creator of the #20kin5Days writing challenge and host of the Wordmakers Writing Community where writers come together to do the writing work! Find out more about me at or join a merry band of writing ass writers at

